April 2018 Meeting

KQG members elected 2018-19 Executive Committee and members for Standing Committees today at the monthly meeting/ AGM. 

It was lovely to see a few visitors from our Quilt Show joining us for the meeting and who later became members of Kenya Quilt Guild. 

Not to miss and the most looked forward event at our meeting is the “Show and Tell”. And what an incredible Show and Tell it truly was. Members have taken the recent workshops by Bev Rebelo seriously and most had finished their projects. There was a stunning quilt by Marjoline and other techniques involved Chennile, Fabric Manipulation, Patchwork of the crosses and Muslin Work.

Young Kayo, our youngest quilter today. She’s our members’s niece, who has just started quilting and has perfectly managed to make a nine patch and also keeps inspiring her aunt to finish her projects

Looking forward to a great year ahead. 

Happy quilting !!!!